Conveniently located to serve the areas of Corpus Christi and South Texas

Microneedling is advertised as a cosmetic treatment that tightens skin, diminishes blemishes, and rejuvenates your complexion. As we age, wrinkles, fine lines, and blemishes begin to creep in. Microneedling attempts to lessen these signs of aging and restore your skin from the inside out but only minimally. If you are interested in a simple way to address your complexion and be content only with some improvement, schedule a consultation at our Corpus Christi offices by filling out this online form or calling our front desk at (361) 881-9999.
About Microneedling
Microneedling uses millimeters-long needles that penetrate deep into the dermis. This procedure is ideal for those who have:
- Wrinkles
- Fine lines
- Acne scars
- Uneven pigmentation
- Uneven texture
These needles create micro-wounds in the skin. The body reacts as it does for any other dermal abrasion: it begins a wound-healing process at a micro level. This regenerative process activates an anti-inflammatory response in the target tissue.[1] Over the next few hours, days, and weeks regenerative properties like collagen and elastin are produced in the treated areas to repair, restore, and rejuvenate any damaged tissue.[2] Platelets and growth factors assist in building back damaged collagen fibers and turnover old skin cells. Over time, you will see brighter, tighter, and clear skin for months to come!
Microneedling stands apart because together with microdermabrasion, facial peelings and skin treatments they are:
Non-Surgical Procedures
Microneedling, however, is an outpatient procedure performed in the comfort of our offices. You don’t have to worry about prolonged procedures because microneedling takes a few minutes to perform. It’s so quick and virtually painless many of our patients schedule microneedling over their lunch breaks!
Customizable Treatment Options
Different blemishes exist at different depths in the skin. So, microneedles come in a range of lengths. We will note your blemish and utilize a suitable length to achieve desired results.
There are only a few things that would disqualify you from a microneedling session. Mainly, we ask that any patients with a current breakout in the target area reschedule their session. This can include acne, eczema, and infections. Microneedling can spread the bacteria and significantly worsen the breakout.
Personal Consultation
If this is your first time with us, we will begin with a new patient intake interview. We will listen to your cosmetic concerns and inspect the troublesome areas. We will note your skin’s laxity and where your skin is in its aging process. Then, we will explain what you can expect from microneedling. Dr. Herve F. Gentile and his team will also answer any questions you may have about other rejuvenating procedures. At the end of your consultation, we will schedule a time and date for your first microneedling session.
Before your session, please don’t take any blood-thinning medications like Advil or aspirin as these can lead to excessive bleeding. Also, don’t use any harsh products like retinoids before your session. We begin a microneedling session by applying a numbing cream onto the target areas. A microneedling device gently creates microscopic holes in the skin. Then, you are free to resume your daily activities. It’s really that simple! A microneedling session doesn’t take much time out of your busy schedule, and offers real results.
After your session, your skin may feel a little tender and appear redder than usual. This is normal and should subside in the coming hours. During this time, avoid prolonged exposure to UV rays and continue to avoid harsh chemicals like retinoids. Your skin is sensitive. Be sure to stay well-hydrated and keep your skin moisturized with a basic moisturizer. At your later sessions, we will recommend if any future steps need to be taken to achieve the best results possible.
How Much Does Microneedling Cost in Corpus Christi?
Microneedling procedures come with their own unique costs. We will discuss and determine the price of your care during your consultation. If you have any questions about pricing, call our front desk at (361) 881-9999.
- Ramaut, L., Hoeksema, H., Pirayesh, A., Stillaert, F., & Monstrey, S. (2018). Microneedling: Where do we stand now? A systematic review of the literature. Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS, 71(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bjps.2017.06.006
- Gonzalez, A. C., Costa, T. F., Andrade, Z. A., & Medrado, A. R. (2016). Wound healing – A literature review. Anais brasileiros de dermatologia, 91(5), 614–620. https://doi.org/10.1590/abd1806-4841.20164741